Workplace Violence & Active Shooter
Threat . Violent Actor . Weaponized Assailant
Violence education . Preparedness . Survivability . Crisis & Threat Mitigation . Strategies
It is The ISE Group’s belief that “reactionary” is too late. We are in the business of preparing and empowering people to identify and stop a crisis or threat before it starts, and mitigate the events that unfold at a time of system failure.
We at The ISE Group live to bring light upon the psychological and physical spaces of darkness and violence. We willingly live in these spaces so that you, your students, congregation, employees, and your families, do not have to. It is our mission to come alongside you and meet you where you currently are in preparation to a violent threat or event. We then put our arm around your organization, it’s most valuable human and physical assets. Through education, training, and empowerment, we ensure a definitive increase of survivability and daily well being for all. We are here to umbrella your future in actionable safety and security programs.
Why The ISE Group: We are the tier that law enforcement, firefighters, government entities, Special Access Programs, and first responders come to for up to date training, certifications in tactics, and to have their trainers trained. Our staff has secured embassies in austere environments, trained cadres of allies, protected Fortune 1 companies, worked side by side with the FBI, DEA, and contracted with the DOD. We daily train and teach in these environments to stay on the forefront of our abilities to bring our clients the very best in industry.
Live training, Online E-learning and Hybrid Online + Live training
We understand time allotment and funding constraints that many organizations have. While there is no replacement for live training, education, and drills, our Online E-learning courses reduce time and cost for those in need.
With an easy to use, self paced platform, our Online E-learning courses are a great solution for organizations to instill a proven program, while ensuring best in class education and training.
Private citizen, home, small business to Fortune 1 Corporations
The ISE Group brings extraordinary education & training to your home, family, organization, administration, & corporate teams. Having decades of teaching, training, and innovating change for the general public, law enforcement and military, has allowed our team to gain a deep knowledge of team orientation, adaptability, and survivability when it comes to the caring of the safety & security minded & their assets.
School Systems (Public and Private)
The ISE Group’s founder, John Brown, brings unusual insight to the development of our programs around educators and children. Both of John’s parents were educators at elementary, secondary, and higher education institutions. Having a lifelong pulse on the psychology and culture surrounding educators and children, combined with years of training tactics to law enforcement and their special teams, John and his team have been able to develop a program that connects at a different level than most programs can attain. That coupled with nearly 4 decades of teaching children himself, allows our programs to fully integrate into the educational environment, upscale communications with first responders, and seamlessly meet this specialized group where they are and address their unique needs.
Transit Systems (Public and Private)
The ISE Group has developed and is currently implementing the first crisis and threat mitigation program for school bus, private, and public transit. Through our expertise in protective intelligence and training protocols of Iron Arsenal, we have developed a program that ensures safety for and on the vehicle, as well as protective tactics for riders, patrons, and drivers alike.
Hospitals and Medical Professionals
Working daily with first responders, medical professionals, and the front line of our medical community, nurses; The ISE Group has developed a highly successful program specifically dealing with the unique physical, emotional, and threat theaters the medical community is faced with concerning the mitigation of a violent or weaponized actor(s).
Churches and places of Worship
We have years of experience planning, securing, and mitigating violence in worship spaces with hundreds to thousands of parishioners. Our goal is to maintain the peaceful, welcoming nature of your house of worship, while ensuring the knowledge and skill set for your security team, clergy, and congregation should an unfortunate act of violence occur.
The ISE Group is partnered with an event company that coordinates & manages many of the largest, national level events in the country. Grand openings, Comicon, Airshows, and trade shows, are just o few of the events we plan, forecast, oversight, and train security teams to manage, mitigate, and secure.
The ISE Group’s first and foremost critical concern is that all children, personnel and assets are safe, secured, and go home to their families every day.
The ISE Group’s programs and methodology have been built from the ground up, taking into consideration the limited time allocated to crisis mitigation, theft, cyber security, fringe actor, active shooter survival tactics, and personal safety. The “small is big” application of tactics involved apply from student, clientele and employee to administration and security force.
ISE programs range in education and instruction from securing physical properties and assets, to individual and group training in:
Behavior Detection
Pre indicators
The Pathway to Violence
Situational awareness
De-escalation techniques
Evasion & Escape
Personal & team oriented self protection.
Triage, Stop the Bleed, self aid, CPR, AED, & First Aid.
Re-unification & Safety Annex
Post event debrief, repercussions & recovery.
We will always meet your personal, educational facility, business and association protocols and legal structures by individualizing each program.
The ISE Group’s programs and tactics have been pressure tested in the training hall, the field, and in real world applications.
Your personalized program may range from 3 hours to several days of training based upon need, protocol, and resources.
We understand you & your associate’s time is valuable. We are here to assist you in making the process easy to plot out for time and priority of training.
Safety, Security & Threat Profile Audits & Assessments
Current Threat Behavior Environment . Physical Structure/Security . Security Team/Protocols
Your personalized crisis, & threat program of education & training begin with these Audits & Assessments. They may include:
Building and property, physical security/threat assessment and audits
Natural disaster and fire hazard escape routes
Lockdown/Evasion/Escape procedures.
Crisis and Active shooter/weaponized intruder/assailant protocol, escape routes, lockdown points and “pinch points”
Demographic Security & Threat Profile
Client & associates audits
Current violence/crime in your organization’s area/demograph
Current industry crime/threat profile and probability rating.
Insider threats
Security/threat walk-through of the perimeter and external environment
Camera systems
Access control systems
Security/threat walk-through of the interior
Control room
Current security team and protocols
Team building and management of your “Crisis & Threat Mitigation Team”
Setting the “group” and “leadership” mentality within your team.
Review and update of routes in place for natural disaster, fire, “fringe” actor, violence crisis, weaponized intruder/assailant, active shooter
Natural disaster drills (Fire, Tornado, Flood, Earthquake)
“Fringe” actor/aggressor/assailant evasion, escape, defensive tactics drills.
Awareness/Situational Awareness
Pre indicator education and training.
Behavior detection skill sets
Utilizing past & current case studies to break the “stereo types” & provide insight to our methodology & tactics.
In direct confrontation with a potential actor(s), protocols for survivability:
Awareness/Situational Awareness
Pre indicator education and training.
Behavior detection skill sets
Verbal judo and de-escalation
Active tactics
Personalized, high percentage, scenario based training
Identifying and utilizing Escape routes
Understanding protocols for: Lockdown vs Evade, Escape, & Intercept
Psychological and physical training for the adrenal dump i.e. “Fight or Flight” and developing “fear as your friend”.
Security protocol for students, employees, or visitors exhibiting pre indicators, or expressing enraged or violent behavior. (Following company and legal force continuum)
Security protocol for enraged or violent client (following company and legal force continuum)
Personal Protection within and outside of the corporation
Scenario based upon your businesses internal/external environment.
“External,” ie; parking lots, garages, home, escorting clients
Scenario-based Q&A and training drills
Triage and First Aid Certifications for your “Crisis & Threat Mitigation Team”
Triage, Triage Self Aid, CPR, AED, First Aid
Skill sets that empower your students, parish, & workforce in and out of the workplace.